Tree Abundance, Moist Dirt, Patchy Grass: Moss and a Lesson from the Rainforests
Edmond Tree
If you have an abundance of trees in your yard, you enjoy the benefits of plenty of shade and lots of interesting wildlife to enjoy - or not, depending on your preferences. Trees are oxygen-producing and lovely to look at all year round. Consider yourself very lucky if your property has lots of trees forming a thick canopy for you to enjoy.
However, you've probably also noticed that your soil isn't as rich as you wish it could be. Tree abundance is good for many reasons, but it does not bode well for grass and plant growth underneath. The soil stays too moist, and most of the nutrients are at the surface level but never penetrate deeper where plant and grass roots need them most.
These are common problems with thick canopies, but homeowners are in luck because there's a way to maximize your soil's condition even if you haven't been able to get grass or anything else to grow.
Take a lesson from rainforests in order to nurture your tree-covered property. In rainforests around the world, moss will take hold where nothing else will. Therefore, it's an idea that you can employ in your own yard in order to prevent soil erosion and make an overall more pleasant environment while keeping the canopy cover that you no doubt appreciate and enjoy.
For a yard with patchy grass, there are few solutions, and most of them are invasive and expensive. Planting moss in those bald areas is something you may not have thought of, but after reading this, you may well consider it as one of your best options!
Soil erosion is the leading cause of patchy grass. If you have poor drainage or have experienced severe weather that has eroded the soil on your property, moss could save your yard! Erosion causes tree and plant roots to be exposed, so planting grass on top of them - with or without added dirt - is risky because it can damage the trees and plants attached to those roots.
You can actually buy moss in sheets just like sod. Because moss is slow growing, this is often the best option for those who aren't willing to wait a few years to see the results. The moss will soon begin to fill in the gaps in your patchy grass.
Not only does moss underfoot give you nice ground cover where nothing else will, but it also adds a whimsical, cozy touch to any property. Different kinds of moss and succulents, along with some creative landscaping, can create a picture-perfect backdrop for your outdoor activities and offer beautiful views right from your own front door.
Along with supplementing your grass with moss, it's recommended that you have selective tree removal done on your property in order to maintain the delicate balance within the canopy that nature created and you have fostered. Just like the rainforests of the world, your yard can play host to countless life forms as long as it is properly managed.